Citrus Quinoa Salad

A refreshing quinoa salad ready for dinner. Honestly, I think this is my favorite combination so far! Lol... I think I say that for everything (Hass reminds me every time by asking "Really? I thought the other salad was your favorite? And the one before that?")

Yield: Enough for dinner
You will need:
-2 cups cooked quinoa (cooled down)
-1 cup chopped cherry tomatoes
-2 sprigs of green onion
-1-2 shredded carrots
-1/4 cup chopped red onion
-2 diced up celery stalks
-1/2 cup sliced mushrooms
- 1 1/2 sliced up orange
-2-3 tablespoons tahini
-Juice from 1 lemon
-A dash of water

1. Mix all the dressing ingredients and place in fridge. The longer it sits in ten fridge, the thicker it gets. Add water to thin it out when ready to mix into salad
2. Mix all the salad ingredients together and pour dressing over once ready to eat


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