*Banana Nicecream With A Cocoa Hemp Swirl

Thought I'd bust out my Yonanas machine this Sunday morning to make a nicecream concoction. I love it because it is kid friendly and Zayn loves helping. I paired this with a slice of my raw brownie cheesecake. Mmmmmm

Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-4 frozen bananas
-1 tablespoon cocoa
-3 tablespoons hemp milk (any milk)
-Toppings: strawberries, carob chips
1. Make the cocoa hemp swirl by mixing the cocoa with the milk and setting aside
2. Using your Yonana machine, push through the frozen bananas and pour a little of the cocoa hemp mix after each banana is pushed through so that it is incorporated throughout
*You can also just swirl in the cocoa hemp mix afterwards yourself by pouring it over the banana nicecream and swirling it through with a spoon
3. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!
*Use a blender if you do not have a Yonana machine


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