Thai Peanut Sauce over Zoodles & Coodles!

I love when I get to have a delicious salad... especially with a Delicious dressing. After having the Pad Thai at @raweateryandmarket, I decided to attempt a similar salad at home. I was so impressed that I hadto make sure I saved the recipe here for the future!

Yield: enough for 2-3 salads
You will need:
-1/2 cup tahini (I sprouted my own sesame seeds and made tahini from them)
-2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
-juice from half a lime
-2 tablespoons coconut aminos (any soy sauce)
-1/4 teaspoon chipotle or paprika
-dash of garlic powder
-a sliver of ginger
-2 soaked dates (any sweetener)
-3 tablespoons water (I used the date water)

Blend all the ingredients together and top over your salad.

Some of the best ingredients for this salad are:
-cucumber noodles or zuchinni noodles or both! (from 1 cucumber or zucchini or half of each)
-carrot noodles (from 2 carrot)
-edamame beans or peas (1/4 cup)
-a sprinkle of sesame seeds!


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