Miso Ceasar Dressing

Sometimes I feel like having a dressing with a kick. This dressing is so simple and reminiscent of ceasar dressing that even non-vegans will be fooled! It is delicious over a bed of kale that has been massaged or even a big bowl of traditional lettuce! I hope you enjoy this one!

Yield: enough for 2-3 salads
You will need:
-1/4 cup tahini (I sprouted sesame seeds and made tahini from them)
-3 tablespoons chickpea miso (any miso will work)
-3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
-1-2 dates (any sweetener)
-3 tablespoons water (I used the date water)

Blend all the ingredients together until smooth and store in the fridge until ready to use.


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