*Sweet Lemon Chipotle Kale Chips

I managed to buy 6 HUGE bundles of kale, which amounted to 12 bags of delicious kale chips. It's interesting how much you can spend on pre-packaged kale chips that have already been dehydrated for you. The amount I spent on these was next to nothing and the flavour is insane! Hass couldnt stop eating them out of the dehydrator! Haha

Yield: 16 cups of kale chips
You will need:
-3 HUGE bundles of kale (destemmed and in smaller pieces)
-2 peeled whole lemons
-2 cups nutritional yeast
-1 tablespoon chipotle
-8 medjool dates
-1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
-optional additions: curry powder

1. Blend all the ingredients (except the kale) in a blender
2. Pour the dressing over the kale and massage into the kale
3. Place the kale on the dehydrator sheets and dehydrate until fully dry at 118 degrees (can take up to 16 hours)
*make sure to rotate the trays throughout dehydration and flip the kale too so that the kale gets fully dehydrated
4. Store in airtight containers until ready to eat


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