Chocolate Protein Oatmeal Cookies

I came home after work and felt like getting some cookies in the oven so that when the boys would walk in, they would enjoy a special treat and the delicious smell of baked treats. I wanted to make an oatmeal cookie that didnt include nuts and I was quite successful! Feel free to adjust any ingredients as you like!
Yield: 8 large cookies
You will need:
-1/2 cup oat flour
-1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon baking powder
-1 cup pitted dates (soaked in water for at least 30 min)
-1/4 cup milk of choice
-2 tablespoons hemp seeds
-1-2 scoops chocolate protein (I used Chocolate  Sunwarrior Blend)
-1 ripe banana (or 1/2 cup of apple sauce)
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
2. Mix the first 3 ingredients together in a bowl
3. Blend the dates with the milk and add the the dry ingredients in the bowl
4. Add the hemp seeds and mix the dough until combined and allow to sit for about 5 minutes
5. Mash in 1 ripe banana (or apple sauce) and leave the banana a little chunky
6. Place spoonfuls of the dough onto lined baking sheets and bake for 15 minutes
7. Allow the cookies to cool and enjoy!


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