Raw Peanut Butter Oat Energy Bars

I created these bars on the fly the other night and was done making them in 5 minutes! Sometimes the tastiest things are the simplest and easiest things to make. Feel free to add any of your favorite ingredients to this recipe!
Yield: 5 bars
You will need:
-1 cup steel cut oats/rolled oats
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1 cup shredded coconut
-1/2 cup peanut butter
-3/4 cup date paste (any sweetener)
-1-2 tablespoon maple syrup
-2 tablespoons raw carob/cocoa powder (optional)
-1/3 cup cocoa nibs/chocolate chips
1. Using a food processor, blend the oats slightly to break down into a crumbly mix
2. Add all the other ingredients and mix until a dough is formed
3. Pulse in the chocolate chips/cocoa nibs at the end so they don't get broken down too much
4. Press the dough into a lined dish and refrigerate for about 1-2 hours before cutting into bars
5. Store the bars in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer and enjoy!


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