Sahasrara Smoothie Bowl

The Sahasrara Chakra is found at the crown of your head with the primary function of enlightenment and a spiritual connection. It focuses on the physical property of metabolism and the emotional connection of spiritual love and affection. This is one of the most intriguing chakras to me because of the bridging connection it has to the body and the divine. Love your body and fuel it with natures gifts, which will in turn help make your chakras glow :)
Love, Vegan Mom Yas

Yield: 1 large bowl of nicecream
You will need:
-5-6 frozen bananas
-2-3 tablespoons coconut sugar
-A dash of cinnamon
-3-4 stalks of celery
-Toppings of choice

1. Blend frozen bananas with coconut sugar and cinnamon
2. Top with your favorite toppings (I used banana, date caramel, and rawnola)
3. Scoop up with celery sticks (I love the sweet and salty combination with the celery... And the added CRUNCH)

*Leave bananas out for a few minutes to help with blending


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