Date Caramel

So... I bought some dates that looked like Medjool dates and turned out that they weren't. They looked delicious but were not as juicy as the Medjool dates. So instead of tossing them out or hiding them in the back of my pantry, I made some Date Caramel sauce that is so versatile! Nothing goes to waste in my home! :)

Yield: About 1-2 Cups of caramely goodness

You will need:
-2 Cups of pitted dates
-1/2 Cup of date water*

1. Pit and soak the dates overnight in enough water to cover the dates
2. Place dates in blender with 1/2 Cup of the date water
3. Store in fridge or freezer and serve over whatever you like!

*Adjust the amount of water if you would like the caramel to be thinner or thicker
*Add any flavor you desire (Eg. Mint extract, cinnamon,  vanilla,  coconut sugar...)
*Use any leftover date water as a drink or to soak nuts for a nut milk
*Freeze in freezer bags or ice cube trays for quick defrosting options
*Use coconut water instead of water if you would like an even sweeter caramel sauce


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