Chocolatey Oat Bowl

Sometimes I wake up craving a hot bowl of gooey oatmeal. I enjoy the simplicity of it and how filling it is. There are many sugary packaged oats out there with many flavours added, but your best bet is to get some plain gluten free rolled oats and then flavour them up yourself :)

Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-1/2 cup uncooked oats
-1 cup water (I used date water this time)
-1 tablespoon cocoa
-A dash of cinnamon
-Toppings of choice (I used bluberries, strawberries,  Rawnola,  mulberries,  and pumpkin seeds)

1. Cook oats according to package (I use a ratio of 1/2 cup of oats to 1 cup of water). I allow them to cook until they are soft and chewy, yet they still have some moisture and haven't soaked up all the water still
2. Add in your cocoa and cinnamon  (this can be done before you cook the oats or right after)
3. Top with your favorite toppings and enjoy!


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