Rawnola Version 2.0

This was fun to make. I love throwing all my favorite ingredients into a food processor and making magic happen. There is something special about having a good cup of granola, especially when its over a yogurt or smoothie bowl. I wanted to make a raw version of your typical granola but much tastier and full of delicious health!

Yield: 3L of granola (feel free to cut this recipe down to make less)
You will need:
-5 cups dried mulberries
-6 cups pitted and chopped medjool dates (about 8 whole dates per cup)
-10 heaping tablespoons raw sunflower seeds (any seed/nut will work)
-10 heaping table spoons unsulfered shredded coconut
-1/4 cup cocoa nibs
-1 tablespoon cinnamon
-3 heaping tablespoons cocoa

1. Place all the ingredients into a food processor (except for the cocoa) and pulse until combined but still a crumbly mix
2. Split the mix in half and leave half in the processor
3. Add the cocoa to the half that is in the processor and pulse a bit more to combine.
4. Now you have 2 flavours of granola to enjoy!


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