*Raw Cashew Milk

I find that making homemade nut and seed milk is faster, tastier, healthier and cheaper to make than purchasing the ones from the store. Don't get me wrong... because it is definitely convenient to buy store bought ones, especially when traveling.

Yield: 1 large pitcher

You will need:
-2 Cups Cashews (or any nut/seed)
-10 Cups filtered water*

1. Soak cashews overnight in fridge
2. Drain cashews and add 10* cups of water
3. Pour through a slow pressed juicer with a ladel*
4. Pour in pitcher and store in fridge for up to 1 week

*When I'm making any nut milk, I usually mix any nuts I have in the pantry or will keep it completely one variety
*I like the consistency of skim milk (not as thick and creamy), so I use a ratio of 2 cups nuts to 10 cups of water
*You will find me often using the water from soaking dates to make my milk because I absolutely love the sweetness added to it with dates
*If you don't have a juicer, use a high speed blender and then drain through a nut cloth to separate pulp
*I dehydrate the pulp and use as a Granola or add it to cookies, smoothies, etc.


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