**Nut-Free Carob Bliss Balls

I love decorating my smoothie bowls with these little gems. I swear... you can make any energy ball you like with dates on hand. I usually use cocoa in these but thought I'd try some carob for a change. They remind me of the Eatmore chocolate bar. Zayn kept eating them as I rolled them, so this is what was left 😅. Enjoy!

Yield: 2 cups of mini energy balls
You will need:
-8 pitted medjool dates
-1 cup dried mulberries
-3/4 cup hemp seeds
-1 tablespoon maple syrup
-2 tablespoons raw carob powder
-A dash of cinnamon (optional)
1. Process all the ingredients together in a food processor until dough-like consistency forms
2. Roll into balls of any size
3. Store in airtight container in fridge
*Wet hands lightly when rolling to help with the stickyness


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