*Almond Date Grape Bombs

After making almond milk, I used the pulp in these little gems 😊. Do not ever throw out the pulp! You could add it to smoothies, dehydrate it for an added crunch on smoothie bowls, and so much more! I loved the crunch and burst with the grape surprise in these.

Yield: 12 grape bombs
You will need:
-1 cup dried mulberries
-1 cup pitted dates
-1 tablespoon raw carob powder
-1 cup almond pulp (you can dehydrate the pulp beforehand or keep as is, but you will notice a difference in flavour)
-12-15 grapes
1. Using a food processor, mix all the ingredients together  (except for the grapes) until a dough-like consistency is reached
2. Roll the dough into balls around each grape
3. Store in an airtight container in the fridge and eat within a day or two because of the moisture from the grapes


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