The Easiest Overnight Oats Recipe Ever!

I put this together with Zayn in the evening and had my son asking me about each ingredient along the way. When I thought I was done, he said, "But wait! We need to add blueberries!". We added the blueberries, shook the jar and watched it turn into a magnificent shade of purple, waiting until the next morning. After your first bite of this deliciously smooth and wholesome breakfast, you can't hold yourself back from reaching for another bite. The velvety texture and the burst of blueberries (courtesy of Zayn's recommendations) is a perfect combination!
Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-1 mason jar (or any container that seals tightly)
-1/2-3/4 cup oats (regular rolled oat, steel cut oats, Scottish oats all work well)*
-double the amount of oats used to determine the volume of liquid needed (almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk, hemp milk, any milk of choice, water, apple juice, coconut water, etc.)*
-flavour additions (eg. cinnamon, matcha, cocoa, carob, peanut butter/flour, vanilla, etc.)*
-1-2 teaspoons sweetener (eg. maple syrup, agave, stevia, honey, date syrup, coconut sugar, etc.)*
-1/2 cup fruit additions for texture (eg. bananas, blueberries, any berries, raisins, apples, etc.)*
-1-2 tablespoons for texture additions (eg. chia/flax/hemp seeds, shredded coconut, dried mulberries, raisins, slivered almonds, seeds, nuts, etc.)*

*The blueberry mix I made was: 3/4 cups Scottish oats, 1 1/2 cup of a combination of almond and coconut milk, cinnamon, maple syrup, wild blueberries, and hemp seeds
*The chocolate banana mix I made was: 3/4 Scottish oats, 1 1/2 cup of a combination of almond and coconut milk, cinnamon, maple syrup, mashed banana, 1 tablespoon carob powder, and hemp seeds

1. Place all the ingredients together in a mason jar.
2. Screw on the lid and shake the jar to ensure everything gets mixed and incorporated
3. Place the jar in the fridge overnight
4. Enjoy this treat in the morning right out of the fridge or heat it slightly for a warm treat
5. Feel free to top it off with any other additions you may desire too! (eg. yogurt, cocoa nibs, etc.)


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