*Raw Banana Marshmallows and Banana Dongs

These are some of my favorite things to make. I add the marshmallows to raw hot cocoa, eat them as a snack and also as a topping to many favorite treats. The banana dongs are great and remind me of churros. Use them to dip into a dateorade or even as a snack at any time. Yum is all I have to say!
Yield: As much as you want!
You will need:
Banana Marshmallows:
1. Slice up the marshmallows into coins (no bigger than 3/4 of an inch) and place on a dehydrator sheet
2. Dehydrate at 115F overnight or until desired chewiness has been reached
3. Store in an airtight container/bag in the fridge or freezer
Banana Dongs:
1. Place the peeled bananas on a dehydrator sheet and dehydrate at 115F overnight or until desired chewiness has been reached
2. Store in an airtight container/bag in the fridge or freezer


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