*Baked Sweet Potato with Banana Mash

I absolutely love sweet potatoes. You can bake them, make fries, put in desserts, you name it! I won't complain :) I've been seeing people trying peanut butter on their baked sweet potatoes and it got me curious to create a fat free topping... and OMG! This right here tastes so sinful and is 100% healthy!

Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-1 sweet potato (or more!)
-1 mashed banana 
-1 small handful of raisins
-A dash of cinnamon
-1/2 tablespoon of maple syrup

1. Bake your sweet potato in the microwave or oven
2. Mix the other ingredients in a small bowl
3. Slice the potato in half and top with your banana mash
4. Place potato back in the oven under broil for a few minutes and enjoy!

*Is it a sweet potato or yam?!


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