*One Ingredient Pumpkin Soup

Not bad for $2.48! I made probably 6 litres of pumpkin soup from 1 pumpkin that I purchased from Superstore. And now my house oficially smells like autumn. Easiest vegan pumpkin soup ever and approved by my non-vegan hubby 👌👍🎃

Yield: Depends on the size of your pumpkin
You will need:
-pumpkin (peel off the outer peel of the pumpkin and clean the inside out from the seeds. Do not worry about removing any of the slimy strings from the inside)
-your choice of seasoning (optional) - I used cracked black pepper and curry

1. Steam the pumpkin chunks until soft (I used a double boiler)
2. Pour the chunks into the blender and add any seasoning you like (start off with small amounts because you can always add more to taste)
3. Blend until silky smooth and eat right away or store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to reheat and serve

*feel free to add milk of choice for a creamier type of soup
*add coconut oil if you like the additional flavour of the coconut oil
*you could use this blend as a base for a pasta sauce or a sauce to saute vegetables in too!


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