*Oatmeal Raisin Bowl

I love mixing in raisins into a bowl of oats. When they absorb all the moisture from the heat, they are just the right addition to satisfy your sweet tooth. It also reminds me of freshly baked oatmeal cookies (I'm sure you can admit to sneaking a cookie off the bakibg sheet right when they're taken out if the oven!) 😊.

Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-1/2 cup gluten-free oats
-1 cup water
-A dash of cinnamon
-2 tablespoons peanut butter/almond butter
-1 tablespoon coconut sugar
-2-3 tablespoons raisins
1. Cook the oats as instructed on the package (I usually microwave 1/2 cup of oats with 1 cup of water and a dash of cinnamon for 2 minutes, just until the moisture has been absorbed and it is gooey)
2. Stir in the nut butter, coconut sugar, and raisins right after taking out of the microwave and enjoy!
*Enjoy any bowl of oats with a generous side of fruit!


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