*3 Ingredient Strawberry Coconut Icecream

When making guilt-free icecream, it doesn't always have to involve bananas. This is a nice twist to my usual nicecream creations, using full-fat coconut milk for a creamy texture and the freshness of strawberries for some summer flavors. I love incorporating berries of any sort because of their amazing health benefits and who are we kidding?... Their sweet and delicious flavour is always a hit! Thanks to @medicalmedium, berries are a staple in our household, whether fresh or frozen, and are sk important to include in your diet. This recipe right here is dedicated towards the Medical Medium Berry Challenge to 👌
Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-1 1/2 cup canned full-fat coconut milk
-1/4 cup date paste (any sweetener)
-1 cup strawberries
1. Blend everything together, pour into ice cube trays and freeze
2. Once frozen, blend the ice cubes to create a creamy icecream
3. Eat as is as soft serve or place back in the freezer to firm up


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