Sundried Tomato and Mushroom Quinoa Risotto

This velvety risotto is so decadent and such a great side or main dish to any dinner or lunch. It has the richness of risotto and the pop of quinoa. You will find yourself pouring seconds before you're even done yur first helping. My boys loved it! So I guess it's kids approved too!
Yield: 4 servings
You will need:
-2 cups uncooked quinoa
-4 cups water
-2 vegetable broth cubes + 1 L water (or 1 L of vegetable broth)
-4 minced garlic cloves
-1 cups chopped up sundried tomatoes
-2 cups sliced mushrooms
-1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
-1/3 nutritional yeast
1. Place the quinoa and 4 cups of water in a pot on the stove and turn on the heat to high for 5 minutes (you will need to have the quinoa a little uncooked for when you add it to the pan)
2. While the quinoa is on the stove, add the garlic, mushrooms, and sundried tomatoes to a large pan and begin sautéing with a little water so the ingredients don't stick
3. Once the ingredients in the pan have sautéed for about 5 minutes, add the Italian seasoning and begin to add spoonfuls of the quinoa into the pan, along with the vegetable stock (adding a little at a time and stirring to cook down the quinoa and for the moisture to get absorbed). Continue this process until all the quinoa has been added and the moisture has been soaked up for the quinoa to be cooked through ( you may not end up using all the liquid)
4. Once the quinoa has been cooked and most of the moisture is absorbed, turn off the heat and stir in the nutritional yeast
5. Serve and enjoy!


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