Raw Peanut Butter Caramel Oreo Icecream Bars

These caramel peanut butter bars were hard to assemble because the layers were just too addicting... Zayn and I were eating the layers right out of the blender! I think I will experiment with the caramel filling in this recipe and utilize it for other recipes because of its' richness in flavor and velvety texture. If you love caramel and peanut butter you will love these bars! Zayn said they looked like Oreos  and it tasted like Icecream sandwiches... hence the long name!
Yield: 6-8 bars (depending on how you cut them)
You will need:
-1/2 cup dried mulberries
-1/2 cup dried figs (about 5)
-1/4 cup raw carob/cocoa powder
-1/2 cup date paste (about 1 cup dates)
-1 can full fat coconut milk (you will only need the thick white fat content from the can, not the water... but do not throw out the water!)
-1/2 cup date paste
-1/2 cup peanut butter (or any nut/seed butter)
-1 tablespoon Lucuma powder (for that caramel flavor)
-Pinch of salt
Chocolate Ganache Topping (optional):
-1/4 cup of the leftover coconut water from the can
-1/4 cup raw carob/cocoa powder
-1/4 cup coconut oil
-1-2 tablespoons date paste/maple syrup
1. Using a food processor, blend all the ingredients together for the base until a dough is formed and press the dough down into a plastic wrap lined pan of choice and set aside
2. Using a blender, blend all the filling ingredients together until smooth and pour over top the base
3. Place the pan in the freezer as you make the topping
4. Using a blender, blend all the topping ingredients together until combined and pour over the filling layer
5. Return the pan to the freezer to harden for another couple hours or overnight
6. Remove from the freezer for a few minutes to soften very slightly when ready to slice into bars
7. Store the bars in an airtight container in the freezer/fridge until ready to consume


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