*Gooey Banana Oat Bread

Just had to share this... If you're kitchen lazy (like me) and like to make recipes with very few ingredients, then this 5 ingredient ooey gooey banana oat bread is soooooo easy to make and delicious.

Yield: 1 large cake
You will need:
-6 cups gluten-free oats
-6 tablespoons chia seeds
-2 tablespoons baking powder
-6 tablespoons coconut sugar  (any sweetener)
-8 ripe bananas
-2 cups water
-Optional: cinnamon, nuts, seeds, raisins, coconut, chocolate chips, etc.
1. Preheat oven to 350F and line a baking pan with parchment paper
2. Blend the oats, Chia seeds, baking powder, and coconut sugar together in a blender to make your flour mixture
3. In a separate bowl, mash the bananas and water together
4. Slowly add in the flour mix to the banana mix and any fix-ins you'd like
5. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for 30-35 minutes
6. Enjoy right out of the oven with a gooey centre or wait until it's cooled down or cold
*Split the recipe in half to make a smaller cake


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