**Red and Blue Smoothie Bowl

Sometimes I just feel like a smoothie bowl for dinner. Hass asked me to make him one too so I whipped this up and him and Zayn devoured it. After they were done, Zayn turns to me and says, "Mom! That was DELICIOUS!".  It's so nice to see them both so appreciative and eating out of the same bowl 😊.

Yield: 1 serving
You will need:
-2-3 frozen bananas
-1 cup frozen raspberries
-1 cup frozen blueberries
-1 cup spinach
-2-3 tablespoons coconut water  (or milk or water)
-Toppings: strawberries, blueberries, rawnola, raw chocolate fudge
Blend all the ingredients together and top with your favorite toppings!


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