**Chocolate Kale Chips

Crunchy homemade snack calls for chocolate kale chips. I had these once as a sample in whole foods when we were in Maui. I made it a mission to replicate them and I believe it was a success. Can't go wrong with chocolate!

Yield: Enough!
You will need:
-2 bunches of kale (chopped up and stems taken off)
-1 tablespoon melted coconut oil
-1 tablespoon cocoa

1. Mix all the ingredients together and set aside for 30 minutes to allow flavors to set
2. Place kale on lined baking sheets or dehydrator sheets
3. If using oven, cook at the lowest temperature in your oven until crispy (about 2 hours), tossing them throughout cooking process. If using dehydrator, set at 115-120 degrees until crispy


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