**Hawaiian Coconut Candy

Hawaiian coconut candy is finally done after many hours in the dehydrator. 😊 Sweetened and naturally flavoured too. These candies are addicting and totally take me back to Hawaii :)

Yield: Lots!
You will need:
-1-2 mature coconuts
-2 tablespoons coconut sugar 
-1 tablespoon maple syrup
1. Open the coconut(s) and sheed the meat into very thin strip.  I used a potato peeler to peel the coconut into strip (this took long but was well worth it!)
2. Place the coconut strips in a bowl and toss in the coconut sugar and maple syrup
3. Place the coconut on dehydrator sheets and dehydrate at 115 until they reach a nice crunchy texture (I'm not sure how long it took in total and timing may vary depending on where you live or moisture in your home)
4. Store in air tight jars to enjoy at any time!

*If you don't have a dehydrator, you could use your oven on the lowest temperature setting


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