Raw Carrot Cake With "Cream Cheese Icing"

I definitely have a soft spot for carrot cake. I grew up making tons of carrot cake when my dad would juice carrots for carrot juice. I would use the pulp to make the cake and it tasted wonderful. You could also use the pulp in this recipe too!

Yield: 1 cake
You willneed:
-3 shredded carrots
-1/2 cup walnuts
-1/2 cup dried mulberries
-11 pitted Medjool dates
-1/3 cup shredded coconut
-A dash of cinnamon and nutmeg
-1 cup raw cashews (soaking in water for at least 6 hrs)
-1 tablespoon coconut oil (optional)
-2 tablespoons coconut sugar
-1 tablespoon lemon juice
-A dash of vanilla
1. Using a food processor, blend all the cake ingredients together and press into a lined pan and place in the fridge
2. Using a food processor or high speed blender, blend the icing ingredients together and spread over the cake and place black in the fridge or freezer to harden enough to slice. Enjoy!


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