Raw Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies

I love chewy oatmeal cookies and when I attempted making some using my dehydrator I was a little nervous. I was hoping to achieve that gooey oatmeal flavour and memory from my childhood and I believe it was an amazing success. If you don't have a dehydrator just use an oven at the lowest temperature setting. I hope you enjoy!

Yield: 12 cookies
You will need:
-2 tablespoons tahini (any nut/seed butter)
-1/4 cup maple syrup
-1 3/4 cups raw gluten-free oats
-2 cups oat flour
-A dash of cinnamon
-3 grated apples (squeeze out the liquid after grating)
-1/2 cup any combination of seeds or nuts (I used 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds and 1/4 cup raw sesame seeds)
-1 cup fresh/frozen cranberries or blueberries (I split the batter in half and made half with cranberries and half with blueberries)
1. Mix the tahini with the maple syrup to make a creamy butter
2. Mix in the oats, oat flour and cinnamon to make a dough
3. Stir in the seeds/nuts and grated apples until well combined
4. Stir in the blueberries/cranberries carefully at the end so they don't break and make the batter turn entirely purple or red
5. Form the cookie dough into individual cookies and place onto a lined dehydrator sheet
6. Dehydrate for 6-12 hours at 115F (depending on how you like the chewiness of your cookies). Flip the cookies half way through dehydrating to ensure even dehydration. 


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