Chickpea Protein Balls

Easiest PROTEIN CHICKPEA BALLS. A quick, on-the-go snack and a great option for a healthy protein. I wanted to make some date balls (just to use up some of the almond pulp I have from making almond milk) and the can of chickpeas was just staring at me in my pantry. Feel free to make the date version of these bliss balls by just substituting the dates for the chickpeas. Enjoy!

Yield: 8-12 balls
You will need:
-1/3 cup almonds (or dehydrated almond pulp)
-A dash of cinnamon
-1/4 cup coconut sugar (any sweetener)
-1 can of rinsed chickpeas (you could use dates instead)
-1/2-2/3 cup peanut/almond butter
-A splash of vanilla
-1/4 cup cocoa nibs (or chocolate chips)
1. Place all the ingredients together (except for the cocoa nibs) in a food processor and mix until combined and looks like a dough
2. Pulse in the cocoa nibs a couple times at the end
3. Roll the dough into small balls and lay on a parchment lined tray
4. Place the tray in the freezer for the protein balls to harden a bit (at least 30 minutes) and enjoy!
5. Store in an airtight container and place in the freezer or fridge


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