Vegan Chocolate Tart

The healthiest chocolate tart made with avocado and cocoa! I tried to create the recipe with as little nuts as possible. If allergic to nuts you could substitute for a seed or probably oats. Also, may I add that I used very few ingredients! 👍👍 Had to hold myself back from licking the whole bowl! Also, Zayn helped press in the tart crust (thought it was like playdough haha) 😊.

Yield: 1 large tart
You will need:
Crust :
-1 cup dried mulberries
-8 pitted medjool dates
-1 cup almonds (I used the dehydrated pulp from my almond milk)
-1 tablespoon cocoa
-A dash of cinnamon
-2 ripe avocados  (peeled amd without pit)
-3 tablespoons cocoa
-4 tablespoons coconut sugar  (any sweetener)
-2 tablespoons melted coconut oil
-Optional: cinnamon and vanilla
1. Using a food processor, blend all the ingredients together for the crust until it reaches a dough-like consistency
2. Press the crust down into a plastic wrap lined pan
3. Using a blender, mix all the ingredients together for the filling and pour into the crust
4. Place the tart into the fridge for a few hours or overnight to stiffen up to cut. Enjoy!


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