Raw Carrot Cake Balls and Carrot Flax Crackers

This is what happens when you make carrot juice. 🙈 Hass wanted some carrot juice so I made some and saw that I had oranges and decided "Heck?! Why not make some orange juice while i'm at it?"... Then I felt bad to get rid of the pulp and decided to make some raw dehydrated carrot crackers... Then I saw that I had a little left over and decided to create some raw carrot cake balls. One thing led to many delicious things 😊❤ So thankful and blessed for this beautiful food!

Raw Carrot Flax Crackers
Yield: 2-3 trays
You will need:
-12 cups carrot pulp (or shredded carrots)
-3 cups water
-1 cup ground flax seed
-1/2-1 teaspoon garlic powder
-Optional: nutritional yeast
1. Mix all the ingredients together and spread out onto dehydrator Teflon sheets (1/4-1/2 inch thick)
2. Dehydrate at 118degrees for 6-10 hours (until top is dehydrated), then flip the crackers onto another dehydrator sheet to ensure the underside gets dehydrated the while way through
3. Dehydrate for another 6-10 hours until the crackers are nice and crispy

Raw Carrot Cake Balls
You will need:
-1 1/2 cup raw gluten-free oats
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
-1 cup dried mulberries
-1 1/2 cup carrot pulp (or shredded carrots)
-1 cup raisins (or 14 pitted dates)
-1/2 cup water
1. Using a food processor, mix all the ingredients together until well combined
2. Roll the dough into balls of whichever size you like
3. Keep them as is or roll them in shredded coconut
4. Store the carrot cake balls in an airtight container in the freezer


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