*Raw Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Bread

Having too much fun with my dehydrator. I made some banana oat bread using the same recipe as my banana oat cookies., except this time I made peanut butter chocolate. The difference between the cookies and these is that these are raw.

Yield: 2 sheets of banana bread
You will need:
-8 ripe bananas (mashed)
-4-5 cups of oats (depends on the size of your bananas)
-1 teaspoon cinnamon
-3 tablespoons raw cocoa/carob
-2-3 tablespoons peanut butter
-1 tablespoon coconut sugar
1. Mash all the ingredients together in a large bowl
2. Spread the mix out onto dehydrator sheets lined with a Teflon sheet
3. Dehydrate at 115 degrees until a bread consistency is achieved (8-12 hours). Flip the bread over and remove the Teflon sheet once the top is dehydrated to allow the bottom side to dehydrate fully
4. Once finished dehydrating, slice the bread as you please and store in an airtight container in the fridge. Eat as is or smear your favorite jam or nut spread over top!


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