**Fat-Free Chocolate Fudge

The easiest, tastiest and healthiest RAW CHOCOLATE FUDGE 💩 you will ever make 👌🙈. And may I add that it's only 4 ingredients! I keep batches of these gems in the freezer and every now and then I see Zayn reaching into the freezer and grabbing a handful. Lol :)

Yield: 8x8in pan
You will need:
-22 pitted Medjool Dates  (soaking in water for 10-15 minutes)
-1 1/2 cup raw oats
-4-6 tablespoons raw cocoa/carob (depending on how chocolatey you would like it)
-A dash of cinnamon  (optional)
1. Blend the oats with the cocoa and cinnamon in a blender to make oat flour
2. Using a food processor, mix the dates with the oat flour mixture (do not throw out the date water)
3. Slowly add one tablespoon at a time of the date water to the mix to make it a little creamier (I use between 5-7 tablespoons)
4. Pour the fudge into a plastic wrap lined pan and place in the freezer to harden enough to cut
5. Once it's harder, slice the fudge however you like and store the slices in an airtight container in the freezer (if left out for too long, they will not hold their shape)


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