*Raw Carrot Bread

I make these wraps quite often, especially after I've made carrot juice and dont want to throw up the pulp. I love using them as a wrap or cutting into 4 squares as sandwich bread.

Yield: 4 wraps
-4 cups shredded carrots (or carrot pulp)
-6 tablespoons psyllium husk
-optional flavorings: I used 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, curry and chipotle powder

1. Blend all the ingredients together until combined
2. Pour onto teflex sheets and smooth out for a thin layer and thicker edges and place i  the dehydrator. You could possibly even use an oven on a low setting
3. Dehydrate for 5-6 hours before flipping the wraps upside down for another 5-6 hours for even cooking. Make sure to keep rotating the trays in the dehydrator throughout the time so that the edges dont become too hard.
4. Remove from the dehydrator and use right away or place in an airtight container to use throughout the week. These freeze well too if you just separate the wraps with parchment paper.


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