Matcha Crunch Bites

I love the flavor of matcha powder so I decided to put together some energy bites that revolved around the delicious matcha flavor I adore. These bites are so divine and can be eaten at any time of the day for a quick "picker-upper" energy boost.
Yield: 12 balls
You will need:
-1 cup oat flour
-1 tablespoon Matcha powder
-3/4 cup shredded coconut
-1/2 cup peanut butter (almond butter works great too)
-2/3 cup coconut milk
-2 tablespoons date paste (any seeetener)
-2 tablespoons cocoa nibs
1. Using a blender, blend the oat flour, matcha powder and coconut together until fine
2. Pour the oar mix and all the rest of the ingredients (except the cocoa nibs) into a food processor and mix until combined
3. Pulse in the cocoa nibs at the end and pour the whole mixture into a bowl and place in the fridge for about 1 hour to harsen slightly for easier rolling
4. Once ready, roll the mix into balls and place on a parchment paper
5. Store the balls in an airtight container (on top of parchment paper) in the fridge/freezer until ready to enjoy


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