
Showing posts from March, 2018

Chocolate Chunk Coconut Cookies

I made these cookies based on a previous recipe but modified it slightly to mock the flavors and presentation of the gluten free chocolate macaroon cookies from Cookies by George. The only difference is that these cookies don't have the processed sugars and have no eggs. They have been a hit this Saturday morning! Yield: 12 cookies You will need: -2 cups almond flour (or oat flour) -1/4 cup seed/nut butter -1/4 cup maple syrup/date paste/coconut sugar/agave -sprinkle of cinnamon -1/2 teaspoon baking powder (omit for raw cookie dough) -1 large tablespoon vegan buttery spread -2-4 tablespoons chocolate almond milk (or a combination of a bit of cocoa and regular milk) -1/3 cup shredded coconut -1/4 cup chocolate chunks/cocoa nibs/carob/chocolate chips Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees 2. Using a food processor (or blender), mix all the ingredients together (except for the milk, chocolate and coconut) until combined 3. Add and mix enough milk to give it a ...

Coconut Caramel Apple Coffee Cake

No filter needed... I wish I can upload the smell in my kitchen!! Deliciousness! A coconut caramel apple coffee cake that's gluten free and dairyfree! I fomt drink coffee, but I will eat this cake! Mmmmm ❤ Yield: 9×13 inch pan You will need: Cake: -3 cups gluten free flour mix -1 cup shredded coconut -1/2 teaspoon sea salt -2 teaspoons baking powder -1 teaspoon baking soda -1 cup almond milk (any milk) -3 flax eggs (or regular eggs if not vegan) -1 teaspoon vanilla Filling: -1 mashed banana -1 cup coconut sugar (or brown sugar) -1 tablespoon cinnamon -1 teaspoon allspice -2 chopped and peeled apples Glaze: -1 tablespoon coconut oil (or coconut butter) -1/2 cup coconut sugar -2-3 tablespoons almond milk -1/2 cup shredded coconut Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350F and line a 9x13 inch pan with parchment paper 2. In the food processor or mixing bowl, mix all the ingredients together and pour into the pan 3. In same mixing bowl (no need to rinse it out), m...

*Raw Hot Chocolate

Hot chocolate is one of those drinks that just screams warmth in the winter. It's always nice to indulge in a cup and cuddle up and watch a movie too. My mission was to create a raw hot chocolate that was guilt free but still delivered the same flavor. This was a definite success! Yield: 1 serving You will need: -4 soaked medjool dates -1 tablespoon raw carob powder (or cocoa) -2 1/2 cups warm/boiled water -Optional Topping: Banana Marshmallows (made by dehydrating 1/2" thick banana coins in the dehydrator at 115 degrees overnight) Directions: Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy with some banana marshmallows!

Apple Pie Smoothie

Breakfast smoothie is an apple pie in a slurpee cup :) When I have too many apples in the fridge, you'll find me snacking on them with peanut butter or making applesauce and freezing for later use. Today I just added them to my smoothie and it literally tasted like apple pie. I love the sweetness that Gala apples have and they definitely shine in this smoothie right here! Yield: 1 smoothie You will need: -2 apples (cored, peel left on) -2 frozen bananas -2 pitted dates -1/2 tablespoon chia seeds -1/2 tablespoon ground flax seeds -1 cup almond milk (any milk) -1 cup frozen peas Directions: Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!

Chocolate Peanut Butter Graham Fudge

Quick and easy chocolate peanut butter that's delicious. This is a great dessert option to whip up when taking something to a potluck and keeps well in the fridge.p Yield: 1 small tray You will need: Fudge: -1 cup peanut butter -1 cup icing sugar -1 cup gluten free graham cracker crumbs -2 tablespoons coconut oil Chocolate Topping: -1/2 cup vegan chocolate/dark chocolate chips -2 tablespoons coconut milk (any milk) Directions: 1. In the food processor, mix all the ingredients together and press down in a container lined with parchment paper 2. Melt the chocolate chips and milk in the microwave for 30 second intervals until melted and spreadable 3. Spread the chocolate layer over the peanut butter fudge and place in fridge for at least 30 minutes before cutting into it

Apple Butternut Squash Smoothie

Breakfast smoothie time... Calls for another Apple smoothie. This time I wanted to add the flavors of fall with butternut squash and cinnamon. Yum yum in my tum! Yield: 1 serving You will need: -2 frozen bananas -2 cored Apple -1 cup spinach -1/2 cup almond milk -1/2 cup water -A dash of cinnamon -1-2 pitted Medjool dates -1 cup cooked butternut squash (I had cubes that were cooked) Directions: Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!

Peas and Melon Smoothie

What an interesting and delicious combination of fruits and vegetables. I would make this again... Something about the peas that made this interesting. You could easily substitute for spinach or kale too. Enjoy! Yield: 1 serving You will need: -3 frozen bananas -1/4 cantaloupe (chopped) -1 cup frozen peas -1 handful fresh mint (dried mint will work too) -A dash of cinnamon  -1 cup almond milk (any milk) Directions: Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!

*Peanut Butter Fat Bombs

These treats are very similar to the flavours of a Reece peanut butter bar. Hass is enjoying high fat and high protein foods with low carbs and was wanting something sweet to satisfy his sweet tooth (by the way... Julien couldn't stop eating the fudge right out of the food processor!). Enjoy these smooth fudgy treats! Yield: About 16 pieces You will need: -1 1/2 cup coconut flour -1/2 cup almond butter (any nut butter) -1/2 cup maple syrup  -1/4 cup melted coconut oil  Directions: 1. Blend all the ingredients together until combined 2. Press the fudge into a lined container of choice (or roll into balls) 3. Store these in the fridge in a sealed container for up to 1 week *Top with a spread of melted dark chocolate or an equal parts layer of cocoa, melted coconut oil, maple syrup 

A Healthier Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Mmmmm.... Can I just share these with you guys, before they all get eaten up! A healthier version of a chocolate brownie, yet you wouldn't even be able to tell! They're just gooey and chocolatey... I think that's all that matters right now :) Yield: 1 9x5 inch pan You will need: -11 pitted Medjool dates -2 teaspoons vanilla -1/4 cup peanut butter -2 tablespoons coconut milk (any milk) -1/4 cup coconut oil -1 flax egg (or a regular egg) -1/4 cup gluten free flour mix -1/4 cup cocoa -1/2 teaspoon baking powder Frosting: -1 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil -1/4 cup peanut butter -2 1/2 tablespoons cocoa powder -1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Line a 9x5 inch pan with parchment paper 2. In food processor, blend the dates until they become like a paste and then add in all the other ingredients until combined (scraping down the sides of the bowl throughout mixing with a spatula) 3. Pour the batter in the pan and bake for...

Simple Jicama Salad

I remember when we were in the Mayan Riviera and the resort we were staying at had so much jicama. I saw it at the buffet, in the restaurants and at the snack shacks. What was interesting was how they presented it in so many different forms. There was shredded jicama for salads and jicama fries with hot sauce and lime. I just remember how we were introduced to this beautiful vegetable and how I was on a hunt for it when we came back to Calgary. I couldn't believe that it was in our grocery stores all along! It took me going to Mexico to discover something that was right in front of me the whole time! Yield: 1 serving You will need: Salad: - 3 cups spinach -1 jicama (peeled and shredded) -1 1/2 cups chopped tomatoes Dressing: -1-2 oranges (peeled) -1 sprig of green onion -1 tablespoon red onion -1 handful cilantro -A dash of cayenne (optional) -1 tablespoon lemon juice Directions: 1. Blend all the ingredients for the dressing together and place aside in a bowl in t...

*Easiest and Creamiest 2 Ingredient Vegan Fudge

WARNING! This mint fudge is to die for! It is very adaptable according to all your favorite additions. I used coconut shreds in this creation but you can use a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried cranberries for a nice holiday treat to share with your loved ones too. Keep these hidden away in the freezer or else they will be eaten up in minutes! Yield: About 16 pieces (depending on how big you slice them) You will need: -1 can condensed coconut milk (196mL) -1 cup vegan chocolate chips (or melting chocolate of choice) -additions of choice: 1 drop of natural peppermint extract, 1/4 cup shredded coconut, 1/4 cup hemp seeds (you could also use a combination of nuts, seeds, cocoa nibs, dried fruits, etc.) Directions: 1. Using a double boiler, place the chocolate and condensed milk in the top to allow the mixture to combine and melt 2. Once the combination becomes a smooth fudge, fold in any additions until combined 3. Pour the fudge into a lined container of choice and allow t...

Vegan Dolly Bars

I saw condensed coconut milk on the shelf in the grocery store and thought about the dolly bars from my childhood. You could easily make your own condensed coconut milk from a can of full fat coconut milk too! I thought that I would create a simple recipe that could be loved by everyone (even non-vegans)... and it was a success! I hope you enjoy as much as we did! Yield: 4-5 bars (depending on the size you want) You will need: Crust: -1 1/2 cups oat flour (can use almond flour) -1/3 cup maple syrup -1/4 cup peanut butter (any nut/seed butter) -1 teaspoon cinnamon Top layer: -1 can condensed coconut milk (195mL) -3/4 cup vegan chocolate chips/cocoa nibs -3/4 cup shredded coconut -1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional) Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees 2. Using a food processor, mix all the crust ingredients together until combined and press down into a lined loaf pan 3. Bake the crust for 10-12 minutes and allow to cool 4. For the top layer, pulse all the ingredient...

*The Easiest Grain-Free Cookies Ever!

These cookies are some of Hass's favorite cookies. I'm so happy to be able to whip them up whenever he feels like them because it takes no effort at all. They are very easy to adapt and change based on whatever your feeling like or whatever you have in your pantry. The base is 4 main ingredients and from there... the possibilities are endless! Yield: 9 cookies You will need: -1 cup coconut flour* -1 cup almond flour (or you could use 2 cups of almond flour instead of the coconut flour) -1/3-1/2 cup maple syrup (sweetener of choice) -2 tablespoons coconut oil -1 teaspoon baking powder (if keeping as a raw cookie dough, omit this) -Additions (optional): 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/3 cup carob chips/chocolate chips/cocoa nibs, 1/4 cup shredded coconut flakes, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, etc. Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees 2. Mix all the ingredients in a food processor until well combined (except for the additions) 3. Once combined, add in your additions and ...

Simple Cauliflower Rice Salad With Orange Dressing

Meetings after school tomorrow, so I thought I'de get dinner prep out of the way. Had some leftover dressing from yesterday and poured it over a spinach, carrot, tomato, and cauliflower rice salad. Can't wait to eat it tomorrow! Yield: 1 large salad You will need: Dressing: -1-2 oranges (peeled) -1 sprig of green onion -1 tablespoon red onion -1 handful cilantro -A dash of cayenne (optional) -1 tablespoon lemon juice Salad: -1/2 cauliflower head -2 cups spinach -1 cup chopped tomatoes -1-2 grated carrots Directions: 1. Blend all the dressing ingredients and place in the fridge until salad is ready 2. Make cauliflower rice by placing cauliflower bits in the food processor and processing them until they reach a rice consistency 3. Mix all the salad ingredients together and pour salad dressing over top when ready

Ice-cream Scoop Peanut Butter Cookies

These were an experiment gone right. I think when you throw anything in a food processor with peanut butter, it will be a success! hehe. Feel free to experiment with these or to leave them raw as a nice chewy treat on-the-go. I believe Zayn and I ate half the batter right out of the food processor, so I'm sure they yield a few more cookies than we resulted with :) Yield: 6 large cookies You willl need: -1 cup almond four (or dried pulp)* -1/2 cup coconut flour -1 teaspoon baking powder (omit if making them raw) -2 tablespoons carob/cocoa powder -2 tablespoons chia seeds -2 tablespoons flax seeds -1/2 cup maple syrup -1/3-1/2 cup peanut butter -1/3 cup chocolate chips Directions: 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees 2. process all the ingredients together (except for the chips) until combined and then pulse in the chips at the end 3. Shape the cookies as desired and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet 4. Bake for about 20 minutes (or until edge starts to golden s...

Black Bean Burgers

Homemade black bean burgers were inspired by my visit to Smash Burger where I saw someone in front of us ordering a black bean burger! I've tried my fair share of vegan and vegetarian burgers and haven't been satisfied. I didn't realize they had egg in them so I was determined to make my own version and they turned out great. Yield: 4 burgers You will need: -1 can rinsed black beans -1 grated carrot -1/2 cup chopped parsley -1 cup chopped mushrooms -1 flax egg (mix 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed with 3 tablespoons water and let it sit for at least 5 minutes to thicken) -1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika -A dash of chili powder Directions: 1. Mix all the ingredients together, mashing the black beans a bit to help allow all the ingredients to stick together. Shape the patties however you like and either grill on the bbq, bake in the oven, or in a pan on the stove top with a little oil (these don't take too long to cook and times may vary based on pat...