*3 Ingredient Vegan Pancakes

I love simplicity in the kitchen, especially when I can make one thing and share it with the whole family. Zayn and Julien love these pancakes and you can be as fancy as you'd like with the things you add to them. I hope you enjoy as much as we do! Yield: 1 serving You will need: -1-1 1/2 ripe banana -1/2 cup oat flour -1/4 cup almond milk (any milk) -Add-Ins: cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa, carob, berries, raisins, coconut, seeds, nut butters, etc. Directions: 1. Blend all the ingredients together in a blender 2. Using a large pan for the pancakes, place it over med-high heat until surface gets hot 3. Pour the pancake batter into the pan (I make about 4 mini pancakes at a time) 4. If you are adding any chunks of fruit like berries or bananas, this is when you would place a few on each of the pancakes as they are cooking in the pan 5. Once you see little bubbles forming, this means that's it's about ready to flip to the other side. You are looking for a nice golden...