
Showing posts from October, 2019

*Banana Orange Smoothie

So I had way too many oranges in my fridge... and a girl can only eat so many oranges, right?! Lol. So I through this deliciousness together and was completely satisfied with how it turned out. Enjoy! Yield: 1 serving You will need: -3 frozen bananas -3-4 mandarins (or 2 large oranges) -A dash of cinnamon -1 cup of spinach Directions: Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy!

*Chocolate Fudge Truffles

Have you ever tried Bliss Balls? You can be as creative as you want with them because you can add all your favorite things and just roll them into a ball. Ive made these before with more nuts in them as well, just to make them a little nuttier. Yield: 10 balls You will need: -1 1/3 cup dates (soaked in water for at least 10 minutes) -2 tablespoons Cocoa -2 tablespoons coconut -1/2 cup almonds (that have been soaking in water for at least 4 hours) -A splash of vanilla -Toppings: shredded coconut, cocoa nibs, coconut sugar, etc. Directions: Process all the ingredients in a food processor and roll in any of your favorite toppings *can substitute for cashews, walnuts or any nut/seed *add Carob instead of cocoa for a change (blend 1 1/3C soaked dates, 2 heading T #cocoa, .5C soaked walnut, 1T #coconut, 1T soaked #almonds, vanilla); #chocolatealmond truffles (blend 2/3C soaked dates, .25C soaked almonds, #vanilla, .5T cocoa, .5T cocoa nibs); #coconut truffles (blend .5C so